Community Impact
Learn more about the impact we're having in our communities.

Our Community Partners
Even after more than 80 years in business, we still honor the foundational values that got us here; commitments to people, stewardship, and community. We work closely with our community partners to make strategic investments based on the individual needs of our communities. We also support a variety of projects related to causes that are near and dear to the Hampton family, including education, housing, diversity and inclusion, arts, and the environment.

Partner Highlights
We work with over a hundred schools and non-profit organizations to improve opportunities and quality of life in the communities where we operate. Here are just a few examples of the partnerships we’ve nurtured over the years.

Girls Build
Girls Build is dedicated to empowering girls aged 8 to 14 through hands-on building and construction activities. Founded to address gender disparities in the trades, Girls Build offers workshops, camps, and after-school programs where participants learn skills such as carpentry, welding, and electrical work from female instructors. Hampton has supported Girls Build camps in several rural communities since 2018.
Portland YouthBuilders
Portland YouthBuilders (PYB) is one of several non-profit organizations supported by Hampton’s Diversity & Inclusion Team. PYB has helped thousands of young people whose experiences with poverty, violence, drugs, hunger, and loss have interrupted their route to success. Programs that combine education, vocational training, counseling, career development, and long-term support are offered free of charge and even include a small stipend.

Barbara Roberts Career & Technical Education Center
In 2024, Hampton Lumber donated $1 million to the Sheridan School District to assist in development of the Barbara Roberts Career & Technical Education (CTE) Center in Sheridan, OR. The planned 24,000 square-foot facility will offer hands-on training opportunities to high school students in Sheridan and the surrounding school districts. There is great disparity in CTE opportunities across Oregon and rural schools are underserved despite growing demand for such programming. This collaborative, regional CTE program will help local students build important skills and connect to well-paying jobs in and around their communities.